Sorry for the lack of an update recently. So here’s a brief rundown of what’s been happening with us !

1. Care Package

A couple of weeks ago we received a package from the m-care team back at home. When I first heard about it, I was skeptical because I hadn’t really received many packages through the postal system here. My general fear is that things get lost and you never hear about it. So when they told us that they sent a package, I was worried that we wouldn’t receive it.

China Postal Service works!

Pretty awesome calligraphy work. Better content. Thanks Abi!

But lo, and behold, the package did arrive! The China Postal System works! It took a while, but we appreciate the encouragement and gifts we received. Haddon loved the Easter book, and Jen and I are looking forward to using the pens we received.

Thank you to everyone who helped in sending this package! It was well-received!

2. Sandstorm

This past Thursday brought a massive sandstorm to BJ. It was insane to see dark clouds, trees blowing over harsh winds, and the AQI levels hitting 1,000 in certain parts of China. Hard to admit this, but the sandstorm even changed some of my plans that day because the air was at a hazardous level.

Even though that happened, it was amazing to see how quickly the AQI dropped when the wind blew ferociously in a different direction. In a matter of 3 hours, a whole day’s worth of sand blew away to another location. Nature is crazy.

3. 1 & 2 Kings

We just wrapped up our study on 1 & 2 Kings. It’s been good and refreshing to study through the OT, and even more refreshing to see our group’s minds begin to click and understand the big picture of the OT.

I’ve been thinking a lot about God’s patience as a result of this study. It blows my mind to think about how God patiently endured the sins of Israel and Judah. Knowing my shortcomings and sins, I’m humbled to think upon God’s loving patience with me as He continues to change my life to better reflect Christ.

One of our discussions centered on why God would be patient with these two kingdoms, but would show immediate wrath in other cases. It was an opportunity to dive deeper into understanding God’s patience and how we must not presume upon God’s patience. He is Holy, and whenever sins exists, it must be dealt with. We discussed that God’s patience doesn’t go against God’s justice because, in the end, God’s justice will be seen.

4. Prayer

I love collecting Kindle books. I don’t necessarily read all that I download, but if I see a good deal on a Kindle book, I typically snap it up. One day, I saw a sale on a book about prayer. There are a lot of books on prayer in the world, but this one was a must-have. The reason? It was written by one of my favorite commentators, D. Edmond Hiebert. A convicting read about prayer? D. Edmond Hiebert? Take my money, Amazon and leave me alone!

Prayer + D. Edmond Hiebert = Take my money

Hiebert speaks about Luke 11:9-13, and one quote about prayer that stuck out recently is this:

“When one we apprehend that the initiative lies with God, we recognize that prayer is not forcing ourselves into the presence of God, but rather accepting His gracious invitation”

When I think about prayer, it is often viewed as a task that needs to be done. And I will confess that when I have that perspective, it often sucks all the joy out of praying. To view prayer as an invitation by God to enter His presence certainly reshapes the time spent with God in private prayer. An invitation implies a desire to hear and a heart to listen.

Another quote that struck me is this:

“As long as our hearts remain cold and indifferent to these conditions, we will remain prayerless. A major reason for the lack of intercessory prayer is the prevailing lack of a compelling realization of the lostness of the unsaved.”

Talk about a smack in the face reminder. An absence of prayer perhaps indicates a lack in acknowledging the utter depravity of the unsaved. Having been preaching through John, the same themes pop up over and over again. People are lost and need a savior. People are hardened, but the hardened still need to hear the Good News. What will cause someone to persevere in such a head-banging-against-the-wall type of task? A stronger compelling to help the lost.

Prayer is not just a spiritual discipline that needs to be done before meals and bedtime. I’ve been seeing prayer more as a battleground of passion and desire. When I pray, are the prayers compelling me to follow God and align my passion with His passion? Or are the prayers I’m lifting up simply words lacking any passion for God and His desires?

It has been a long 3 months since we came back from the States. And it’s crazy that it has ONLY been 3 months. Thank you for your thoughts and support. We miss everyone back at home, and we hope to continue to share with you what’s going on here more frequently! Until then, continue to pray for us!

5. Random Pictures

If you finished reading until the end, here are some random pictures of our kids. Consider it a reward. Haha.

haddon ryle

Visited Shanghai and went to Disneyland there. Told H to smile and this is what I got.

The look of someone caught doing something red-handed. Off to a great start, R!