Ever since we returned back to America three weeks ago, it’s been a whirlwind of sorts hanging out with friends and family, teaching, and reconnecting. Our family has been blessed tremendously by the love and support from everyone we met. It’s encouraging to know and to be reminded of the support that God has blessed us with.

Having a brief time to gather and collect thoughts, I just wanted to list down some brief reflections from our time here and thoughts ahead as we go back to our home.

Missing home

Not to start this list by being a Debbie Downer, but truth be told, I really hate traveling. One day, as I was leaving to get into my car, I sighed and wished I was back in BJ. Don’t get me wrong. Being back in the States is a tremendous blessing and, if God was to lead us back, I know our family wouldn’t have a problem with it. But there is something about living out of your suitcase for several weeks that can cause you to long for home.

If I could transfer this perspective to my everyday life, how much more would I long for heaven and to be with Christ for eternity? Instead of thinking that I’m living out of my temporary suitcase in this world, I often prioritize the wrong things and try to make my home in this world. As I am being reminded of this as I get older, and as family responsibilities get stronger, the desires of this world run deep in my heart. Only Christ can remove and replace it with that much needed eternal perspective.


Being back has given our family an opportunity to reconnect with our US community. It’s been a tremendous joy and jolt of encouragement to spend so much time with other families and friends. It’s been a real treat to see Haddon running around and playing with kids from our church and other communities we are a part of.

It has also given me a good vivid reminder of how the various parts of a group can create an attempt for a healthy community. Every encouragement, every decision to live for a holy life, every attempt to live for Christ is never wasted in context of the community. I want the community that we are part of to understand and grow in this regard.

Uncertainty or Opportunity

Even though the next half year is pretty set, there are still degrees of uncertainty that face our family. Some of it is related to education, some of it is related to our visas and other work-related things. Sometimes that uncertainty can become debilitating and paralyzes me from making any decision. But one thing I’ve observed coming back, and now looking ahead, is that the uncertainty is simply an opportunity to trust in God and His ways. I’m looking forward to what opportunities are before us when we return, and we pray that it will only lead to more glory and worship being given to Christ.

We love and will miss everyone that we’ve reconnected with back in the States. It’ll be difficult, but it is not purposeless. Praise him for that.