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If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s this: I’m a really bad test-taker. No matter how much I study, I end up making some dumb mistakes on exams.

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Change in the Season

With July already here, I was personally excited for the change in season. Not necessarily the literal season (I know everyone in Southern California is burning up right now. We feel your pain here as well), but a change of pace. With my teaching classes now complete, I am looking forward to the month of July to accomplish a lot of things on my “When I have time, I’ll do them” list. I’ll share some of those things here:

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Crossing Cultures

Our fellowship recently added a Japanese service to their already growing list of services on Sundays. We had been meaning to visit for some time, but could not manage to find a Sunday when the timing worked out.

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Going Back and Looking Ahead

Ever since we returned back to America three weeks ago, it’s been a whirlwind of sorts hanging out with friends and family, teaching, and reconnecting. Our family has been blessed tremendously by the love and support from everyone we met. It’s encouraging to know and to be reminded of the support that God has blessed us with.

Having a brief time to gather and collect thoughts, I just wanted to list down some brief reflections from our time here and thoughts ahead as we go back to our home.

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