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Adjusting to Life Abroad

As we settle into life in EA, there are a number of “interesting” observations we’ve made about life and culture here. We’ve also had to make some personal adjustments to living in a different country. Here are just a few highlights:

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The Team (Pt. 3 – Triple Edition)

As much as this blog is about our family, we also want to let people know about the other brothers and sisters who are coming with us in the move to EA. It is an understated privilege to have a small group of people coming with us. They provide us with not only fellowship and friendship, but also extra hands to accomplish our objective. We’re excited to work alongside them and we hope you’re excited to meet and support them with your thoughts!

We shaped the questions to center on their relationship with our home fellowship. As part of obedience to the GC, we want to emphasize the importance of this relationship. Whether going or sending, every believer is to participate in the GC.

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Thoughts from a Family Moving Overseas (Pt. 1)

In thinking about this major move for our family, I picture a bunch of plates spinning on poles and I’m frantically spinning each plate so that they won’t fall off the poles. In calculating our move overseas, it just seems like there are a lot of moving parts, but nothing to slow them down until we actually arrive.

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