Those who know me know that I’ve been waiting a long time to kick off preparation to move to East Asia to participate in His work overseas. The feeling I have is that of a kid on Christmas morning, waiting eagerly in anticipation of  opening all of the gifts beneath the Christmas Tree. Only this time, this “kid” has been waiting for quite a while to open up his “gift.”

I still remember vividly the moment I made the decision to go to EA back in March 2007. I ended up coming back to the States in December 2007. So if you do the math, it’s been 6 years and counting for this decision to come to fruition. It’s 6+ years that God’s faithfulness was proven as He guided my steps to remain true to that decision in March 2007.

Memories. Don't mind my T-shirt sleeves.

Memories. Don’t mind my T-shirt sleeves. And the chin hair.

A normal day in EA with masks.

A normal day in EA with masks.

As much as there is to say about the past, there is more to say about the future. With the move to EA on the horizon next year, all I can think and pray about is the future. New beginnings start by looking to the future. There’s a need for myself and my family to prepare by looking ahead.

One way in which God is preparing us is through a sermon that Paul Washer gave at the most recent Shepherd’s Conference. The title is “The Great Commission as a Theological Endeavor.” Don’t let the title fool you or discourage you from listening. It’s well worth it to listen. It challenged and affirmed for me how central and sufficient the Word of God is for the task of missions.

So as Jen, Haddon and I begin to work toward new beginnings in EA, please join us in looking to the future by listening to the sermon above.