As we’re beginning to move, I’ll be selling some of my books periodically through our blog. Prices will try to match with the Kindle equivalent of each book since I’m trying to go digital. You can PM through FB if you want to claim the book you want. Thanks again for helping our transition by taking these books off my hands!

If you’re interested in supporting us through finances or prayer, please sign up for a support letter, if you haven’t already!


Books for sale! My toe is not included.


NIVAC- Letters of John by Gary Burge – $5

NIVAC- 1 & 2 Thessalonians by Michael W. Holmes- $5

No One Like Him by John Feinberg- $5

The Cross and Salvation by Bruce Demarest- $5

He Who Gives Life by Graham A. Cole- $5

Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament edited by G.K. Beale and D.A. Carson- $35

New Testament Theology by Thomas Schreiner- $25