Sorry for the lack of posts recently. We’ll give an update soon as to what we will be doing. But for now, we want to keep introducing our team, this time doing a double edition!

As much as this blog is about our family, we also want to let people know about the other brothers and sisters who are coming with us in the move to EA. It is an understated privilege to have a small group of people coming with us. They provide us with not only fellowship and friendship, but also extra hands to accomplish our objective. We’re excited to work alongside them and we hope you’re excited to meet and support them with your thoughts!

We shaped the questions to center on their relationship with our home fellowship. As part of obedience to the GC, we want to emphasize the importance of this relationship. Whether going or sending, every believer is to participate in the GC.


Alicia is another sister we met through BCC’s college ministry. She’s always expressed a desire to do work overseas and we’re excited to see how God will use her there!

1. How were you introduced to BCC?
I was introduced to BCC through Pastor James Lee of Crosslife. I was checking out churches while I was a freshman and attended Crosslife for a couple weeks. When Pastor James found out that I was looking for a church, he recommended BCC and told me it was a good solid church.
2. Why did you choose BCC as your church?
I chose BCC as my church because I was struck by how the members seemed to passionately live out their Christian lives along with the solid Bible teachings of Berean.
3. What is a memorable experience you had at BCC?
 One conviction I remember very vividly was from Bible study when I was a freshman. We were going over Genesis and that night we were studying about Noah. One thing that Pastor Aaron said that really convicted me was that we would never know when Christ’s second coming would come. It could be tomorrow for all we know. That thought really scared me to think that the people I love who didn’t know Christ wouldn’t have another chance to be saved if Christ came. This convicted me to be even more bold in sharing the Gospel with people I knew and to always live as thought Christ would come the next day.
4. How did you make your decision about EA?
I made my decision about EA after my short term mission in 2012. I had actually decided back in high school that I really wanted to do long term missions, though I didn’t know where. After I attended Berean, I found out about the mission trips to EA and after my short term trip, I felt God had given be a perfect opportunity to do long term missions through Berean.
5. What are you looking forward the most in EA?
I’m looking forward to be able to serve with my brothers and sisters on the China team. Since we’ve been preparing for more than a year now, I’m anticipating finally being out there with the team, serving alongside one another as we do ministry there. (It goes without saying that as I’ve been in Norcal for 10 months apart from the team, I miss them).
Evelyn is another sister that crossed our paths through the college ministry. She’ll be our only fluent Mandarin speaker so we’re praying for her effectiveness while overseas.
1. How were you introduced to BCC?

My older brother heard about Berean during his college years, so he told me to come check it out when I decided to come to UCI. So the first Sunday the week before school started, my whole family went with me to their Sunday Service.

2. Why did you choose BCC as your church?
What really stood out to me about BCC was how serious everyone was about their faith, about studying the Word, and about who God is. This wasn’t just evident in the leaders, but in the members as well. After getting to know some of the members and the leadership better, I could tell that their aim in doing things wasn’t for their own gain, or to make the church more attractive, but bringing honor to God was what they always strived for. After seeing that, I knew that this was the kind of church body I would want to run this race with.
3. What is a memorable experience you had at BCC?

One of the memorable experiences I had at BCC was the first member’s meeting that I attended. After I, along with several others from the membership class that quarter were introduced, the church body then proceeded to pray for all of us. It really felt like we were being welcomed into more than just another church, but a family.

4. How did you make your decision about EA?
 I had the opportunity during the summer of 2013 to go on a short term trip to China with BCC. Going there really opened my eyes to the need for the Gospel there and how open the people we met were to hearing about it. God also opened my eyes to the need for more workers to go out. After returning from that trip, He has been growing my desire to go back since.
5. What are you looking forward the most in EA?
There are many things that I’m looking forward to there! Like meeting new people, getting used to a new environment and culture, or getting to know the other team members better. But what I’m looking forward to most is finally seeing what God has planned for us.