My final days with BCC’s college ministry are quickly approaching and it’s bittersweet. The rational part of me understands the necessity to leave. The emotional side understands, but doesn’t want to leave.

I don’t want to go. Just like this guy.

But there are certain circumstances that escape control and our departure from the college ministry is exactly that. We’re grateful for all the opportunities we had to invest, disciple, and to participate in the growth of the collegians at BCC. We’re grateful for all the friendships we’ve made with the college staff. We’ll continue to pray for the growth of this ministry and its larger impact on BCC as a whole.

One of the gifts that we received from our college students was a scrapbook. One thing that people may not know about me is that I do have a sentimental side  and scrapbooks are a favorite of mine. In fact, I still have the scrapbook that BCC gave me back in 2006 when I first lived in EA.

Some people like scrapbooks because it’s a way to reminiscence about the past. I like scrapbooks because it’s a form of encouragement. It reminds me of people who are supporting me. It reminds me of all the relationships God blessed me with. It calls to remembrance the ways in which I was used to encourage them and vice versa.

All this to say that encouragement is absolutely vital for the Christian walk. Whether it’s here in the States or elsewhere, I never want to undervalue God’s blessing of encouragement through His church. It calls to mind various passages connected with the need for continual encouragement (1 Thessalonians 4:18, 5:11, 14; Hebrews 10:25).

I’m going to appreciate this scrapbook and I know the encouragement that comes with it will play a role in the work overseas. Thank you BCC collegians!

Thanks for the encouragement!

Thanks for the encouragement!