Even though I don’t enjoy shopping, I love finding deals and discounts online. My frugal nature delights in finding good quality items for less than what I would be willing to pay. There are tons of items here that aren’t worth the little you would pay, but there are other great value finds that I would recommend to friends.
Category: Life in the Big City
If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s this: I’m a really bad test-taker. No matter how much I study, I end up making some dumb mistakes on exams.
Just like most of America, we started celebrating Christmas right around Thanksgiving. Now that we’ve lived here for over a year, I thought it would be a good idea to invest in some actual Christmas decorations. Last year, I made everything out of construction paper. It was a true #improvchristmas.
Having grown up in the suburbs, I had very little experience with city life prior to moving here. My only memories of taking public transportation were the occasional bus ride for a field trip or during summer vacation when I would visit my grandma in Japan.