As of April 1, 2016, we’ve officially been here for one year! I didn’t expect that the year would fly by so quickly. I know we’ll look back on this year and want to remember all of the important, or at least interesting, things that have happened.

This is a rough summary of our year:


  • Arrived in EA and settled into a temporary apartment on the East side of town.
  • Signed a one-year lease for our first apartment. Subsequent complaining by Jen, gradually grew accustomed to everything, but happily moved a year later.
  • We visited a few fellowships. Started attending an international fellowship here and have stayed since.


  • Jen started a contract position designing and setting up a website for Alex’s company.
  • We started taking language classes in pairs.
  • Made the first of many trips to IKEA. Never ever go on a weekend if you can avoid it.
  • Found a coffee guy through Jon. May not be a regular because it’s too expensive.
  • Started our study group at the Han’s.


  • We all got to experience our first health inspection. A little far, but a quick and relatively painless process.
  • Andy and Tony arrived. Lived in a house full of boys for a while.
  • Jen celebrated her first birthday abroad.
  • Had our first encounter with dragon mosquitos. They are vicious and relentless. Ouch!
  • Visited TJ and had an eventful time to say the least. It was an unexpectedly long day trip, but ended with good food.
  • Our brother Fujie came to visit and brought us a huge bag of tortilla chips and cheese sauce. The team rejoiced!
  • Took our first visa trip to HK.


  • Celebrated 4th of July by eating “American” BBQ.
  • Guys found an apartment leaving us with an “empty nest”.


  • Alex worked at the summer program offered by the company.
  • Continued in our book study in Gal.


  • Finally got all of our visa paperwork taken care of.
  • Had crazy rainstorms and thunder. Got rained in or out a few times.


  • Visited the zoo with Rita and her family.
  • Celebrated Haddon’s first birthday here with shopping and dinner. We also prepped a little party on Sunday during nursery. Seems like they had a good time!
  • Lees came to visit us. It was fun catching up and we were very encouraged by their service to us and their willingness to help out with our normal activities.
  • Celebrated Evelyn’s birthday with pizza and chicken. Our go-to foods.


  • Started attending a playgroup at a friend’s house.
  • Hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for our English Corner.
  • We celebrated Thanksgiving with a mix of friends. It was our first Thanksgiving away, but we were thankful to be surrounded by friends (old and new) and to have enjoyed good food.
  • Moved our study from our home to another location.


  • Yous came to visit us and presented on the topic of Christmas at our English Corner.
  • Celebrated Christmas with the team.
  • Celebrated Flo’s birthday by trying out a taco place with surprisingly good guac.
  • Celebrated Andy’s birthday in “k-town”.
  • Alex celebrated his birthday with American-style BBQ.


  • Celebrated the New Year.
  • Celebrated two team member birthdays.
  • Alex left for India.
  • We discovered that we were expecting baby #2, morning sickness and fatigue to follow.


  • Team went on retreat to Korea.
  • Celebrated our first Spring Holiday here as a team.
  • Flo and Jen ended language classes, at least for the time being.
  • Confirmed that Andy made a genuine confession and has joined our family.


  • Found our new apartment, packed, and moved.
  • Haddon got his first “real” haircut here.
  • Celebrated Alicia’s birthday at 海底捞 (HaiDiLao), Haddon does not like the “mask man”.
  • Celebrated Tim’s birthday with 串儿 (chuanr).


  • Settled into our new apartment.
  • Officially began advertising for our summer camp.
  • SPK came to visit for a few days.
  • Kevin came to “join” the team and will be here for about a month.

Now that we’ve passed the one-year mark, I’m hoping that future reflections will include greater evidence of his faithfulness. This year has been both valuable and challenging. Please join us in yarping for the years ahead, that they will be bountiful in fruit.